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点击次数:294发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00


更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00

所 在 地:日本






Measurement of torque driver / torque wrench
Management of various torque wrench torque drivers
A new function is carried
(1) Display Board Became Legible.
(A Measurement modea unit. Other coded data is丂displayed.)
(2) Fault charge protection loading. It is pilot-lamp lighting during charge.

IndicatortDetector dissociate.
Easy to install to small space. Torque wrench(pre set type),Torque driver,etc.
It stands to inspectionmanagement of a torque tool as a standard machine
in the comoany at a role.

Abundant variations.
Since the model of series is abundant, the torque from low torque to high torque is managed by package.It is the optimal as a standard machine of management.

A Display screen became large. It is very legible
Even from the distant place, a numerical check is easy.

The main features
仩 Yes-no decision
仩 Average calculation

仩 Data storage is 800 affairs.
仩 A convenient functional setup of a setup of a measurement start value etc.
仩 Data output at real time (every about 1/180 seconds).
仩 USB terminal data output

仩It is a rechargeable battery drive, the installation to the spot is also easy.
仩By the auto power OFF, It prevents forgetting to turn off the power.
仩One-touch zero adjustment
仩An auto clearance (0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 sec) can be set up.
丂丂It is very convenient for a continuous check.
仩The operation torque of a QL typepre set type wrench driver can read measured value correctly in peak down mode (P-D).

Specification DIS-IP05 俢IS-俬俹5 俢IS-俬俹50 俢IS-俬俹200 俢IS-俬俹500
Measuring range
(at  time of Track)
2.0乣500 mN
0.30乣50 kgf丒cm
0.30乣45 lbf丒in
0.030乣5 N
0.30乣50 kgf丒cm
0.30乣45 lbf丒in
030乣50 N
3.0乣500 kgf丒cm
3.0乣450 lbf丒in
3.0乣200 N
30乣2000 kgf丒cm
30乣1800 lbf丒in
3.0乣500 N
30乣5000 kgf丒cm
30乣4500 lbf丒in
Accuracy 亇0.5%     (499 or less digit亇3digit)
Display The 4 figures digital display of LCD
The measurement direction CW-CCW (rightleft)
P-P  Peak Peak load value hold.
T-R  Track Indication of real time torque value.
P-D  Peak down Holding Load Value at the moment to change from upward to downword
C Real-time output Load torque value is outputted every about1/ 180 second .
Setting of torque value A Maximuma minimum value are in a measuring range,a setup is possible.
Can confirm the set value by the buzzer sound or LED.
The Maximum, the minimum,the average value Displays, memoryoutput the data number, the maximum, the minimum,the average value of the measured value to 30 data. It can save by a maximum of 10 channels.
Automatic Clearance Automatically clear the displayed value after certain time (0.5 - 3.0 sec,selectable at each 0.5 sec). Setting 0.0 sec for manual Zero clearance
One-touch zero Easy Zero-Adjustment with pressing CLEAR button
Data spec. Data transfer ASCII fomat (Baud rate :19200)
Data memory 800 data
Power supply Ni-Cd chargeable battery 1.2V亊5cells 丂700mAh
Auto power save 10 minutes no use, automatically switch off.
Charging time about 3 hours
Continunous working time 12 hours
Meter outside type dimension 100(W) x105(D) x33 (H) (It does not contain by the projection thing.)
Weight Meter part    520g
Code length Standard 1m (there are automatic machines no less than 4m as an option.)
 (one piece each)
AC/DC adaptor
An inspection report, a proofreading certificate, a traceability system figure

Detection machine size figure
Detection machine outside figure
Form IP05/5 IP50 IP200 IP500 Detector
兂40 兂50 兂60 兂80
41.2 63 73 99
5 10 10 15.5
兂60 兂90 兂110 兂140
兂50 兂74 兂90 兂116
(Three division) 兂4.2 兂6.3 兂8.3 兂10.5
俧丂(Socket intuition affinity) 6.35倱倯 9.5倱倯 12.7倱倯 19倱倯
weight 189倗 632倗 1.8倠倗 3倠倗






  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

