您的位置:易推广 > 安防监控 > 安防监控设备 > 监控摄像机 > 深圳市金通方略科技发展有限公司 > 产品展示 > 松下摄像机 > 高速摄像机PCO.DIMAX HS4



点击次数:39发布时间:2015/5/15 15:19:02


更新日期:2015/5/15 15:19:02

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:高速航拍摄像机PCO.1200HS 帧率可达325000fps,适用于航空 航天拍摄,

相关标签:PCO.1200HS PCO.DIMAX HS4 



 pco.1200 hs
highspeed 10 bit CMOS camera
This high speed 10 bit CMOS camera system comprises advanced CMOS and electronics technology. With the new approach to integrate the image memory into the camera itself, it enables unmatched fast image recording with 1GB/s. The system features an excellent resolution and low noise. It consists of a compact camera with an external intelligent power supply. The image data is transferred via customer selectable standard data interfaces. The available exposure times range from 1 μs (50 ns optional) to 5 s. 
This digital CMOS camera system is perfectly suited for high speed camera applications such as material testing, external crash testing or super slow motion movie clips.
636f ps at full resolution (1357 fps at VGA)
extremely fast image recording - 1 GB/s
10 bit dynamic range
exposure time range 50 ns - 5 s
image memory in camera: camRAM up to 4 GB
high resolution 1280 x 1024 pixel
interframing time 75 ns
standard interfaces: USB 3.0, Camera Link / USB 2.0, IEE1394
cooled 14 bit CCD camera
This high dynamic 14bit cooled CCD camera system comprises advanced CCD and electronics technology. With the new approach to integrate the image memory into the camera itself, it enables unmatched fast image recording with 160 MB/s. The system features thermoelectrical cooling, a superior high resolution and low noise. It consists of a compact camera with an external intelligent power supply. The image data are transferred via customer selectable standard data interfaces to a computer. The available exposure times range from 500 ns to 49 days. 
This digital CCD camera system is perfectly suited for low light camera applications like fluorescence imaging and microscopy. Color and monochrome image sensor versions are available.
resolution 1600 x 1200pixel
cooled 14 bit dynamic range
image rate of 30 fps @ full resolution
image memory in camera: camRAM up to 4GB
low noise of 10 e- rms @ 10 MHz
thermoelectrical cooling of delta -50°C vs. ambient
standard interfaces (USB 3.0, IEEE1394, camera link, GigE / USB 2.0)
ultra stable offset





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:代理商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

