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您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 >  电工电气 >  工控系统及装备 >  传感器 >  TMNR-ME-10NM,tmnr-me-20NM,TMNR-me-50NM,tmnr-me-100NM日本美蓓亚



  • 价 格: 8元
  • 型号:TMNR扭力系列
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:5次
  • 发布日期:2017/10/25(更新日期:2019/6/6)

深圳市赛德力检测设备有限公司 第8

  • 电话:0755-23593495
  • 手机:18138400116
  • 联系人:唐小雨(联系我时,请说明是在易推广看到的,谢谢!

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产品类型: TMNR 扭矩传感器
精度等级: 0.5%FS
额定量程: ±10 N.m ~ ±10 kN.m
应用领域: 自动化设备及仪器
功能特点: 精度高,性能稳定

TMNR type Torque meter is a highly effective rotary transformer to transmit the electric signal that the sensing point of torque detected. 
Therefore, the steady performance is gotten as for the measurement for a long time, because driving side and the measurement side are noncontact. 
It is used for the instrumentation control only for the measurement. 
It is possible to use it for not only the torque measurement but also the instrumentation control field, For instance, control of stir power and kneading power in food chemical industry etc., because of the efficient rotary transformer adoption.
The horsepower measurement on motors can be done, because the rotational speed can be measured by installing rotation detector (Options).



产品类型: TMNR 扭矩传感器
精度等级: 0.5%FS
额定量程: ±10 N.m ~ ±10 kN.m
应用领域: 自动化设备及仪器
功能特点: 精度高,性能稳定

TMNR type Torque meter is a highly effective rotary transformer to transmit the electric signal that the sensing point of torque detected. 
Therefore, the steady performance is gotten as for the measurement for a long time, because driving side and the measurement side are noncontact. 
It is used for the instrumentation control only for the measurement. 
It is possible to use it for not only the torque measurement but also the instrumentation control field, For instance, control of stir power and kneading power in food chemical industry etc., because of the efficient rotary transformer adoption.
The horsepower measurement on motors can be done, because the rotational speed can be measured by installing rotation detector (Options).


产品类型: TMNR 扭矩传感器
精度等级: 0.5%FS
额定量程: ±10 N.m ~ ±10 kN.m
应用领域: 自动化设备及仪器
功能特点: 精度高,性能稳定

TMNR type Torque meter is a highly effective rotary transformer to transmit the electric signal that the sensing point of torque detected. 
Therefore, the steady performance is gotten as for the measurement for a long time, because driving side and the measurement side are noncontact. 
It is used for the instrumentation control only for the measurement. 
It is possible to use it for not only the torque measurement but also the instrumentation control field, For instance, control of stir power and kneading power in food chemical industry etc., because of the efficient rotary transformer adoption.
The horsepower measurement on motors can be done, because the rotational speed can be measured by installing rotation detector (Options).


产品类型: TMNR 扭矩传感器
精度等级: 0.5%FS
额定量程: ±10 N.m ~ ±10 kN.m
应用领域: 自动化设备及仪器
功能特点: 精度高,性能稳定

TMNR type Torque meter is a highly effective rotary transformer to transmit the electric signal that the sensing point of torque detected. 
Therefore, the steady performance is gotten as for the measurement for a long time, because driving side and the measurement side are noncontact. 
It is used for the instrumentation control only for the measurement. 
It is possible to use it for not only the torque measurement but also the instrumentation control field, For instance, control of stir power and kneading power in food chemical industry etc., because of the efficient rotary transformer adoption.
The horsepower measurement on motors can be done, because the rotational speed can be measured by installing rotation detector (Options).


本公司是集研发、设计制造和销售服务于一体的综合性高科技公司,是中国同国外著名检测仪器、自动化仪器仪表企业及科研机构开展学术交流和项目合作的重要窗口。 深圳市赛德力检测设备有限公司致力于称重传感器(Load cells )、压力传感器(Pressure transducers) 、位移传感器及变送器系列产品的开发、生产、销售和服务,是国内规模较大、品种较齐全的称重传感器、压力传感器及仪器仪表产品配套供应商。 公司同时经营日本LINIAX、日本SANWA三和、日本anritsu安立、日本yokogawa横河、日本ASAHI KEIKI旭计器、日本TSURUGA鹤贺、日本TAIYO太阳铁、日本CKD、日本SONY、日本ANYWIRE三菱等,以及美国 Celtron 称重传感器系列、美国RICE LAKE称重传感器、美国Sensortroncs(STS)称重传感器、美国TRANSCELL传感感等国际知名品牌传感器及仪器仪表等自动化产品。 公司传感器制造部拥有一条现代化的传感器生产线,通过引进国外生产技术,结合先进的管理经念,制造品质一流的传感器。此外,我公司可按客户要求来设计、制作各种不同类型传感器与检测仪表。 公司产品远销美国、欧洲、日本及东南亚各国。在全球设有办事处:美国的加州及纽约、墨西哥的墨西哥城、南美的里约热内卢、德国的法兰克福、英国的斯托克城、南非的约翰内斯堡、日本的神户、越南的胡志明、泰国的曼谷、马莱西亚的吉隆坡等。客户遍及高校、科研院所、企业等,涉及行业包括航空航天、科研、军工等领域。





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